Imagine you are building the Google search website. You have the search bar, buttons, etc., but how do we actually get the search results? This is where a backend comes in handy. Backends usually process data and perform calculations on a remote computer (server). The backend may be a server or many servers that send and recieve data from a database, run expensive algorithms, control user security and login, or all of these.
📄️ Express.js
📄️ Flask
JavaScript is not a one-tool-fits-all solution for all projects. Let us say you develop a machine learning model or a computer vision robot in Python. Now, you want to allow users to interact with your prototype through an online interface. The easiest solution would be to use a library such as Flask to turn your existing code into a web app.
📄️ SQL Databases
Relational Databases
📄️ NoSQL Databases
"Not Only SQL" Databases focus on storing documents rather than tables. The SQL apartment example that uses 2 tables can simply be stored in NoSQL as a single list of complex JSON objects/documents. See an example of such a document below.
📄️ Firebase
Google Firebase provides not only a database for storage, but also an accompanying backend that can handle many common tasks.