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NoSQL Databases

"Not Only SQL" Databases focus on storing documents rather than tables. The SQL apartment example that uses 2 tables can simply be stored in NoSQL as a single list of complex JSON objects/documents. See an example of such a document below.

"id": 0,
"apartment": "Lorem",
"rent": "$1500", "sq_ft": "1234", "deadline": "2023-1-1", "has_gym": false,
"city": {
"city_name": "Sit",
"population": "345k"

In SQL, the city of a row had to be a single value. However, note that city here is an object nested inside the row object. In NoSQL, we are no longer restricted to storing data in a 2D tabular format.

It is also possible to store lists of values, and even lists of nested objects inside a single document.

"id": 0,
"person": "John",
"hobbies": ["swimming", "hacking", "dancing"],